Desert Hills Men’s Golf Association

Your Board of Directors is as follows:
President: Ron T Ramirez
Vice President: Gabe Plaza
Secretary: Bobby Contreras
Treasurer: Joseph “Sal” Salazar
Handicap Chairman: Joe Gomez
Desert Hills Men’s Golf Association (DHMGA) is dedicated to promoting, organizing, and conducting competitive golf events for our members at Desert Hills Golf Course. We also encourage the activities of the Desert Hills Women’s Golf Association and the Arizona Junior Golf Association program.
The Arizona Golf Association charters us and currently has 225 members. We are a non-profit club governed by a Constitution and By-Laws and exercised through a Board of Directors, elected annually by the membership.
DHMGA activities center around 11 scheduled one-day tournaments, and one 2 day DHMGA Men’s Club Championship. We work with the course staff to maintain a current events calendar.
Golf Handicap System
Our club supports all golfers at Desert Hills by providing the means to access and maintain each golfer’s handicap through our KIOSK, located in the golf shop, which is linked to both the Arizona Golf Association and the Golf Handicap Information System(GHIN). This system enables members of other clubs throughout the United States to access and update their handicap records, provided their home club maintains handicaps through GHIN. Joe Gomez would be happy to assist if you have difficulty signing up.
Applications for Membership
Membership fees are currently $50.00 per year (if paid by December 31) which includes the benefits of AGA membership and the ability to establish a handicap through GHIN. Applications are easy! Simply go to the AGA website,, and register as a first-time user. Follow the prompts. New applications or renewals processed on or after January 1, 2019, will be charged $60.00.
AGA members who pay dues to the AGA through another local club may contact one of our officers and pay $15.00 to join our club.
How to Contact Us
You may email the Board directly to